And just like that, it’s Christmas time again. 2022 has been a really great year for archaeology in Christchurch. We’ve worked on some big projects this year, and we’ve had some super interesting finds.
Jumping back to the start of this year, we spent most of January and February on the site of the new Court Theatre. This section of Colombo Street was a strip of retail stores, and a lot of what we found were features that related to these stores. We also found some pretty amazing artefacts, which generated a lot of media attention with Alana giving an interview to the Press and Clara appearing on the news talking about the site.
The autumn months were spent mostly doing lots of projects where the works were located in road reserves, things like service renewals and road upgrades. While these works aren’t always the most exciting, there was the added fun of over half of the office going down with Covid at once after a now infamous Friday night at the pub…
During this period, we also excavated the site of an aerated water factory. It should be of no surprise that we found lots of soda water bottles (although almost all of them were broken we should mention before we start getting messages from bottle collectors), along with more domestic items from the factory owner’s household. We’ve just finished the report from that site, so expect a blog post on it in the new year!
At the end of June, we started our excavation of the Te Kaha site, where the new multi-use arena will be constructed. This project was particularly exciting as we went in ahead of the other earthworks crews and went through and investigated 23 of the archaeological sites that will be destroyed in order for the stadium to be constructed. We were on site until mid-October, and over the course of that time found hundreds of features and thousands of artefacts that relate to 19th century domestic households. Once again, we managed to hit the mainstream media, with a few newspapers doing stories and Clara appearing on the news again.
As we’ve come back into summer, we’ve been busy writing up reports from the sites that we excavated this year. During the second half of the year, we’ve also once again had interns from the University of Canterbury through the PACE internship program. Emily worked for us on a research project related to the stadium site, while Hannah worked on a project for Lyttelton Port Company to display some of the artefacts that have been found in their office building. It’s been great to host interns again, and they always do such a good job with their projects.
And in a full circle moment, we’re ending the year by cataloguing the artefacts from the Court Theatre site. The artefacts from the site are early for 19th century Christchurch, with lots of features dating to the 1850s, which has been super cool to see. We will hopefully be sharing some of our findings with you all next year.
We’ve had a bit of a sabbatical from social media this year with so many big projects taking priority, but we’ve got big plans for next year, including hopefully some good in person events for Archaeology Week and Christchurch Heritage Festival. And with that, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Underground Overground Archaeology
Always informative and oft times exciting to read.
Merry Christmas and thankyou for all each of you do.
May 2023 be filled to overflowing with all good stuff.