The Secret Lives of Archaeologists

I’m writing this blog on the 3rd of April, 2020. It’s currently day nine of a four week (or longer) shutdown initiated by the New Zealand government to try and stop the spread of Covid-19. Over the past two weeks I’ve seen several excellent blog posts/articles by New Zealand archaeologists and historians (among others) comparing our current circumstances to historical events, and providing a nuanced view on using the lens of the past to interpret the present. These included blogs on isolation by the Southern Settler Archaeology Blog and The City Remains, past pandemics (see here, here, here, and here ) and toilet paper (here and here). One of my favourite blogs/articles from the past few weeks was by Kennedy Warne, who talks about solistalgia and soliphilia (you’ll have to click on the link to find out what that means), and provided a really interesting and nuanced view on dealing with change, which whilst not specific to Covid-19 was still relevant.

For our blog I’ve decided to take a slightly different, more light-hearted, approach to the situation. We’ve all been working from home, which has resulted in excellent cat content on our work slack channel, but has also come with various struggles. Today we’re giving you a sneak peek into our new offices and hope you enjoy the distraction from what has otherwise been a pretty heavy past couple of weeks.

The day before lockdown I went to the warehouse to panic buy easter eggs (#priorities) and came home with this oversized fleece hoodie for my new office attire. It’s helping to make up for the fact that I’ve gone from a work area that consisted of three desks and lots of space to a work area that is the size of a queen bed (literally, I have a sheet on the floor to protect the carpet).

It’s not all negatives though. I’m enjoying using the deck as my sorting area and getting in some sunshine at the same time.

Tristan is also having fun with space. He’s arranged his boxes of artefacts so that everything is in chair swivel reach.

Wendy’s office comes with a lovely green view.

Jamie’s enjoying trading her steel caps for unicorn slippers.

Rebecca’s desk comes with hidden friends to keep her on task. Stitch is always watching.

Angel (not pictured) is still on site, as the project he’s currently working on is an essential one. He’s making sure he’s keeping a safe distance between the contractors on site and the friendly next door neighbour.

Megan is having issues with her co-workers trying to offer IT advice.

They also haven’t read the code of conduct about appropriate behaviour in the workplace.

Jon’s co-worker is not happy with his report and is offering suggestions.

His other co-worker is focusing on providing a supportive work environment as a foot warmer.

Annthalina’s co-workers make sure she’s kept up-to-date with all the neighbourhood happenings, such as anytime next door’s cat wanders past.

Whilst Wendy’s co-worker is in charge of keeping the office warm.

Kirsa’s new office comes with a gaggle of geese patrolling the neighbourhood, making sure that no non-essential travel is happening.

Stay safe everyone.

Clara Watson



2 thoughts on “The Secret Lives of Archaeologists

  1. Thankyou,
    In sharing these images, nicely worded bloggings links and revealing the inner sacred cattings (plus various other manegeries of fluffies both real ‘alive’, stuffed ‘dead’ and somewhere in-between), you have brought warmth to the cockles of my heart. Sigh. 🙂
    Really glad you guys are able to continue in your very worthwhile pursuits, and I for one take encouragement from your happy positive spirits.

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